Sugarcane Production in India and the Caribbean


The production of sugarcane is a massive business across the globe with countries like India, Brazil, and Jamaica consistently ranking towards the top of lists for production. While the top countries have fluctuated recently, it’s important to note that climate is still incredibly important when growing sugarcane and only specific countries have the ability to successfully produce. High temperatures and significant rainfall are both important elements for sugarcane to thrive.


The history of sugarcane production

Many people don’t realize this, but the origin of the name “rum” is unknown. There are a few theories, and one of them has to do with borrowing from other words that relate to rum. One of the theories is that Saccharum officinarum, the Latin name for sugar cane, is the origin, and if you know how much sugarcane affects the flavor profile you may become a believer yourself. While in its initial form sugarcane was not used to produce alcohol, one of the earliest connections to drinks was discovered in India where a tribe was using this sugarcane to prepare sweet drinks.  


Sugarcane production in India

According to, the cultivation of sugarcane in India dates back to the Vedic period and it is now widely accepted that India is the original home of Saccharum species. Historically, sugarcane was taken from India and planted in various islands in the Caribbean to meat the demand for sugar. Today, India is one of the largest exporters of sugarcane in the world and there are a few key states that have the highest production: Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, and Bihar. The sugarcane produced in India is used most commonly to produce crystal sugar, jaggery, and alcoholic beverages.


Sugarcane production in the Caribbean

Culturally, the Caribbean is known around the world for its sugarcane production and vast sugar acreages. While these were at an all-time high in the mid 20th century, in recent years the production has been declining throughout the islands. Of the islands that still produce today, Guyana is the largest sugar producer with sugar fields laid out in several areas near the coastline. Another big producer in the Caribbean is Jamaica, where the sugar industry is the oldest continually operating industry in the country.


Two Indies Rum

One of Amrut’s delicious and distinctive spirits is Two Indies Rum. This rum is named after the flavors derived from the East Indies and the West Indies and is known as a tribute to the sugarcane industry. Sugarcane from the East Indies is sourced directly from their home country of India while Amrut sources rum from a few key West Indies countries: Jamaica, Barbados, and Guyana. Rum flavor profiles from both regions are complex, robust, and distinctive and Amrut hit the jackpot when producing Two Indies Rum as their combinations blended seamlessly. 

Two Indies is the perfect rum for any refreshing summer cocktail. Amrut describes its flavor profile as “sugarcane with a dash of tropical fruits and honey and running slightly dry”. With a sweet and dry finish and an affordable price tag, Two Indies is a great choice of rum to try when making your next cocktail. Click here to learn where to buy Amrut at a liquor store near you or order online and have it delivered directly to your door. While you’re at it, make sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss an update, exclusive tasting, or new release!

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